C-SWEPA Publications
“Modeling transport of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions: A case study”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 121, pp. 77-92, 2016.
, “Solar modulation of the deep space galactic cosmic ray lineal energy spectrum measured by CRaTER, 2009-2014”, Space Weather, vol. 14, pp. 247-258, 2016.
, “Longitudinal conjunction between MESSENGER and STEREO A: Development of ICME complexity through stream interactions”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 121, pp. 6092-6106, 2016.
, “Interplanetary coronal mass ejections from MESSENGER orbital observations at Mercury”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 120, pp. 6101-6118, 2015.
, “Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Driven by CME Expansion\mdashthe 2011 June 7 Event}”, \apj, vol. 788, p. 85, 2014.
, “Distribution of Electric Currents in Solar Active Regions”, \apjl, vol. 782, p. L10, 2014.
, “The evolution of writhe in kink-unstable flux ropes and erupting filaments”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 56, p. 064012, 2014.
, “Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections by Sunspot Rotation”, \solphys, vol. 286, pp. 453-477, 2013.
, “A Method for Embedding Circular Force-Free Flux Ropes in Potential Magnetic Fields”, in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#224, 2014.
, “Decline and Recovery of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field during the Protracted Solar Minimum”, \apj, vol. 775, p. 59, 2013.
, “The heliospheric magnetic flux, solar wind proton flux, and cosmic ray intensity during the coming solar minimum”, Space Weather, vol. 12, pp. 499-507, 2014.
, “Does the worsening galactic cosmic radiation environment observed by CRaTER preclude future manned deep space exploration?”, Space Weather, vol. 12, pp. 622-632, 2014.
, “Lunar radiation environment and space weathering from the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER)”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), vol. 117, p. E00H13, 2012.
, “Coronal electron temperature in the protracted solar minimum, the cycle 24 mini maximum, and over centuries”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 119, pp. 1486-1492, 2014.
, “Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Module framework”, Space Weather, vol. 8, p. S00E02, 2010.
, “Particle Acceleration at Low Coronal Compression Regions and Shocks”, \apj, vol. 810, p. 97, 2015.
, “Synthesis of 3-D Coronal-Solar Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration Modules”, Space Weather, vol. 12, pp. 323-328, 2014.
, “Broken Power-law Distributions from Low Coronal Compression Regions or Shocks”, in Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2015.
, “The CRaTER Special Issue of Space Weather: Building the observational foundation to deduce biological effects of space radiation”, Space Weather, vol. 11, pp. 47-48, 2013.
, “Inferring the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Back through Maunder Minimum”, \apj, vol. 837, p. 165, 2017.
, “Transport of Helium Pickup Ions within the Focusing Cone: Reconciling STEREO Observations with IBEX”, \apj, vol. 824, p. 142, 2016.
, “Weakest Solar Wind of the Space Age and the Current ``Mini'' Solar Maximum”, \apj, vol. 779, p. 2, 2013.
, “Particle acceleration in the heliosphere”, in American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 2013.
, “The Interaction of Two Coronal Mass Ejections: Influence of Relative Orientation”, \apj, vol. 778, p. 20, 2013.
, “Earth's magnetosphere and outer radiation belt under sub-Alfvénic solar wind”, Nature Communications, vol. 7, p. 13001, 2016.