C-SWEPA Publications

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
L. Zhao, Li, G. , Ebert, R.  W. , Dayeh, M.  A. , Desai, M.  I. , Mason, G.  M. , Wu, Z. , and Chen, Y. , Modeling transport of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions: A case study, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 121, pp. 77-92, 2016.
C. Zeitlin, Case, A.  W. , Schwadron, N.  A. , Spence, H.  E. , Mazur, J.  E. , Joyce, C.  J. , Looper, M.  D. , Jordan, A. , Rios, R.  R. , Townsend, L.  W. , Kasper, J.  C. , Blake, J.  B. , Smith, S. , Wilson, J. , and Iwata, Y. , Solar modulation of the deep space galactic cosmic ray lineal energy spectrum measured by CRaTER, 2009-2014, Space Weather, vol. 14, pp. 247-258, 2016.
R.  M. Winslow, Lugaz, N. , Schwadron, N.  A. , Farrugia, C.  J. , Yu, W. , Raines, J.  M. , Mays, M.  L. , Galvin, A.  B. , and Zurbuchen, T.  H. , Longitudinal conjunction between MESSENGER and STEREO A: Development of ICME complexity through stream interactions, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 121, pp. 6092-6106, 2016.
R.  M. Winslow, Lugaz, N. , Philpott, L.  C. , Schwadron, N.  A. , Farrugia, C.  J. , Anderson, B.  J. , and Smith, C.  W. , Interplanetary coronal mass ejections from MESSENGER orbital observations at Mercury, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 120, pp. 6101-6118, 2015.
L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, Baker, D. , Török, T. , Pariat, E. , Green, L.  M. , Williams, D.  R. , Carlyle, J. , Valori, G. , Démoulin, P. , Kliem, B. , Long, D.  M. , Matthews, S.  A. , and Malherbe, J. - M. , Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Driven by CME Expansion\mdashthe 2011 June 7 Event}, \apj, vol. 788, p. 85, 2014.
T. Török, Leake, J.  E. , Titov, V.  S. , Archontis, V. , Mikić, Z. , Linton, M.  G. , Dalmasse, K. , Aulanier, G. , and Kliem, B. , Distribution of Electric Currents in Solar Active Regions, \apjl, vol. 782, p. L10, 2014.
T. Török, Kliem, B. , Berger, M.  A. , Linton, M.  G. , Démoulin, P. , and van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. , The evolution of writhe in kink-unstable flux ropes and erupting filaments, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 56, p. 064012, 2014.
T. Török, Temmer, M. , Valori, G. , Veronig, A.  M. , van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. , and B. snak, V. \v, Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections by Sunspot Rotation, \solphys, vol. 286, pp. 453-477, 2013.
V. Titov, Török, T. , Mikić, Z. , and Linker, J.  A. , A Method for Embedding Circular Force-Free Flux Ropes in Potential Magnetic Fields, in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#224, 2014.
C.  W. Smith, Schwadron, N.  A. , and DeForest, C.  E. , Decline and Recovery of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field during the Protracted Solar Minimum, \apj, vol. 775, p. 59, 2013.
C.  W. Smith, McCracken, K.  G. , Schwadron, N.  A. , and Goelzer, M.  L. , The heliospheric magnetic flux, solar wind proton flux, and cosmic ray intensity during the coming solar minimum, Space Weather, vol. 12, pp. 499-507, 2014.
N.  A. Schwadron, Blake, J.  B. , Case, A.  W. , Joyce, C.  J. , Kasper, J. , Mazur, J. , Petro, N. , Quinn, M. , Porter, J.  A. , Smith, C.  W. , Smith, S. , Spence, H.  E. , Townsend, L.  W. , Turner, R. , Wilson, J.  K. , and Zeitlin, C. , Does the worsening galactic cosmic radiation environment observed by CRaTER preclude future manned deep space exploration?, Space Weather, vol. 12, pp. 622-632, 2014.
N.  A. Schwadron, Baker, T. , Blake, B. , Case, A.  W. , Cooper, J.  F. , Golightly, M. , Jordan, A. , Joyce, C. , Kasper, J. , Kozarev, K. , Mislinski, J. , Mazur, J. , Posner, A. , Rother, O. , Smith, S. , Spence, H.  E. , Townsend, L.  W. , Wilson, J. , and Zeitlin, C. , Lunar radiation environment and space weathering from the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER), Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), vol. 117, p. E00H13, 2012.
N.  A. Schwadron, Goelzer, M.  L. , Smith, C.  W. , Kasper, J.  C. , Korreck, K. , Leamon, R.  J. , Lepri, S.  T. , Maruca, B.  A. , McComas, D. , and Steven, M.  L. , Coronal electron temperature in the protracted solar minimum, the cycle 24 mini maximum, and over centuries, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), vol. 119, pp. 1486-1492, 2014.
N.  A. Schwadron, Townsend, L. , Kozarev, K. , Dayeh, M.  A. , Cucinotta, F. , Desai, M. , Golightly, M. , Hassler, D. , Hatcher, R. , Kim, M. - Y. , Posner, A. , PourArsalan, M. , Spence, H.  E. , and Squier, R.  K. , Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Module framework, Space Weather, vol. 8, p. S00E02, 2010.
N.  A. Schwadron, Lee, M.  A. , Gorby, M. , Lugaz, N. , Spence, H.  E. , Desai, M. , Török, T. , Downs, C. , Linker, J. , Lionello, R. , Mikić, Z. , Riley, P. , Giacalone, J. , Jokipii, J.  R. , Kota, J. , and Kozarev, K. , Particle Acceleration at Low Coronal Compression Regions and Shocks, \apj, vol. 810, p. 97, 2015.
N.  A. Schwadron, Gorby, M. , Török, T. , Downs, C. , Linker, J. , Lionello, R. , Mikić, Z. , Riley, P. , Giacalone, J. , Chandran, B. , Germaschewski, K. , Isenberg, P.  A. , Lee, M.  A. , Lugaz, N. , Smith, S. , Spence, H.  E. , Desai, M. , Kasper, J. , Kozarev, K. , Korreck, K. , Stevens, M. , Cooper, J. , and MacNeice, P. , Synthesis of 3-D Coronal-Solar Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration Modules, Space Weather, vol. 12, pp. 323-328, 2014.
N.  A. Schwadron, Lee, M.  A. , Gorby, M. , Lugaz, N. , Spence, H.  E. , Desai, M. , Török, T. , Downs, C. , Linker, J. , Lionello, R. , Mikić, Z. , Riley, P. , Giacalone, J. , Jokipii, J.  R. , Kota, J. , and Kozarev, K. , Broken Power-law Distributions from Low Coronal Compression Regions or Shocks, in Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2015.
N.  A. Schwadron, Smith, S. , and Spence, H.  E. , The CRaTER Special Issue of Space Weather: Building the observational foundation to deduce biological effects of space radiation, Space Weather, vol. 11, pp. 47-48, 2013.
F. Rahmanifard, Schwadron, N.  A. , Smith, C.  W. , McCracken, K.  G. , Duderstadt, K.  A. , Lugaz, N. , and Goelzer, M.  L. , Inferring the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Back through Maunder Minimum, \apj, vol. 837, p. 165, 2017.
P.  R. Quinn, Schwadron, N.  A. , and Möbius, E. , Transport of Helium Pickup Ions within the Focusing Cone: Reconciling STEREO Observations with IBEX, \apj, vol. 824, p. 142, 2016.
D.  J. McComas, Angold, N. , Elliott, H.  A. , Livadiotis, G. , Schwadron, N.  A. , Skoug, R.  M. , and Smith, C.  W. , Weakest Solar Wind of the Space Age and the Current ``Mini'' Solar Maximum, \apj, vol. 779, p. 2, 2013.
G.  M. Mason, Desai, M.  I. , Mewaldt, R.  A. , and Cohen, C.  M.  S. , Particle acceleration in the heliosphere, in American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 2013.
N. Lugaz, Farrugia, C.  J. , Manchester, W.  B. , and Schwadron, N. , The Interaction of Two Coronal Mass Ejections: Influence of Relative Orientation, \apj, vol. 778, p. 20, 2013.
N. Lugaz, Farrugia, C.  J. , Huang, C. - L. , Winslow, R.  M. , Spence, H.  E. , and Schwadron, N.  A. , Earth's magnetosphere and outer radiation belt under sub-Alfvénic solar wind, Nature Communications, vol. 7, p. 13001, 2016.
